Wonderful post, Louise. Much of what you said stuck a chord with me. And I especially liked your concluding "Yes, it is."

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Thanks, Eleanor. Glad it resonated with you, and thanks for letting me know!

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Nicely written, Louise Have you read Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning? I read it a few years ago and remember him saying that the ones who survived the concentration camps best searched for meaning every day. That is a kind of heroism to me.

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That book has been on my shelf for forever but I haven't read it yet. Art is also about meaning-making so that totally makes sense that it would seem so necessary, even just to survive our life as it is.

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Awesome concept! Kindly turn on "Creator Mode" on LinkedIn. It will enable more potential readers to discover you in case you make posts there sometimes.

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Thanks for reading, Michael. I actually do have Creator mode turned on on my LinkedIn profile. I mostly post there about my marketing freelance business, but every so often cross-post one of these newsletters. Coincidentally, I just did so this morning with my most recent Be Your Own Hero newsletter about Good Friday and doubt.

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Oh I didn't realize since I didn't see the Talks about # hashtags. My bad. LinkedIn is one of my primary sources of new audience traffic.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Louise Julig

This post was fabulous! I love looking at art as a courageous act.

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thank you!

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Thanks, Louise. This really resonated with me! ❤️

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Thanks for letting me know!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Louise Julig

Thanks, Louise. I appreciate (and needed today) this perspective.

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I'm glad it was what you needed today :-) Thanks for letting me know.

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Hey Louise!!! Thank you for inviting me into your world of Being Your Own Hero!!! As you might know, this is Scott, by the way. So, you did, in fact, bring up some items that are worth expounding upon. First, your brought up the word art several times along with a brief meaning. As you did say, art is being creative and I think that a pretty accurate description. There probably is more to it than that, but it’s certainly a good start. Second, you brought up the word indigenous. When I think of indigenous people, I’m thinking people who don’t necessarily have the wherewithal to make ends meat…so to speak. Really, quite dire circumstances. I actually consider Indians as being indigenous. At least in our country. In other countries, I’m sure there are other groups of people that also fall into this category. Thanks again for sharing, I appreciate you. Love, Scott.

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Hey Scott thanks for your comment! My understanding is that the word Indigenous refers to people whose ancestors are native to whatever land they were born in, so in the U.S., Indigenous is another way to say Native American or American Indian. But I believe there are indigenous people on every continent (except Antarctica), who of course are referred to by other names, such as Aboriginal people in Australia. I am always learning but that's how I understand the term today. You might also be thinking of a different word, "indigent," which means poor or lacking means, as you mentioned above. It is unfortunate that a disproportionate number of indigenous people are also indigent, but the words do mean different things. Your comment made me look it up to see where the words came from, but they have different roots, so it is just a coincidence that "indigent" and "indigenous" sound similar. Now I know too :-)

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