Glad to hear about your back Louise! Yup, Going to look into it!

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Wow Louise! This unexplainable pain outta the blue stuff really resonated with me. I've had this happen a few times in my life. Once with I guess what turned out to be a panic attack and went away on it's own in just a while...Another time my lower back went into spasm and I couldn't move out of bed for a week. And this last time, I could move around but my upper back pain sent me to the ER where it was gone a half hour after I got there...Interesting stuff about the learned helplessness...I think I've learned many years ago about the "do something, anything" method of trying to pull myself out of different abysses...abyssi? lol..After having shocking things come out of the blue after shocking thing, physical or not...and after wallowing in that shock or pain or both for a little while and realizing nothing is going to change...after a few of those I realized that I've got to do something, anything and see what happens...I was relieved most of those times that like you said even the smallest of things, starting to get busy and clean the house for instance for non physical things and for physical ones, yup just moving around to find what position to stay in so at least you're not screaming out...did help a little and then a lot in time, if I kept doing the things. Of course my various therapies afterwards ultimately healed most all my ailments. Anyway...long story short...I've gotten good at finding stuff to do when life throws you curve balls... I'm intrigued by the floating treatments! Just may try it sometime... Hope you're doing much better this week! Great piece and thanks so much! Vicki Luna

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Thanks for your comment, Vicki. I'm getting to your reply a few weeks later, and my back is doing much better, thanks. Still not where it was, but moving in the right direction! I hope you do try floating sometime. It really is like nothing else.

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